Welcome To HOQ

Since I created this site in 2014, over 13,000+ Hematologists/Oncologists have registered. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive and I am honored that so many have used the website to help in preparation for their Hematology/Oncology Board examination. I wrote all 2570+ questions/answers myself, and I tried to create high-yield questions with succinct explanations. The latter should be helpful for rapid-fire review prior to a board examination.  The questions cover all of the Benign Hematology, Malignant Hematology, and Solid tumors.  As of September 2024, all questions have been updated/edited. 

It only costs 65.00 USD for 6 months of access.  Group rates are also available. For group purchase please contact us garg_ravin@yahoo.com, or thebishalbhandari@gmail.com 

We now have an exam format available, where a user can take a 60 question test composed of a mix of questions from a variety of Oncology and Hematology topics.  We also have an image bank available.

Based on clinical situations I encounter in my clinic, I will update the questions to keep them up-to-date and relevant. As the field of Hematology and Oncology constantly evolves, so will the questions. 

We have an App available for Android and the iPhone; it is part of the subscription.

These questions should be helpful in preparing for the Medical Oncology and Hematology Board examinations. In addition, these questions will serve as a refresher for those who are recertifying for their boards or for the ASCO inservice exam. Lastly, the site is outstanding for Hematologists/Oncologists who are interested in increasing their knowledge base.

I hope these questions will serve as an adjunct to other outstanding resources including ASH-SAP, ASCO-SEP, ASCO Question Bank, the MD Anderson, and George Washington Board Review Course, and the NCCN guidelines.


The Number 1 Source of Hematology and Oncology Board Exam Preparation. Trusted by more than 13,000+ doctors, fellows, residents. Used Worldwide by International Doctors.
Over 2570+ Regularly Updated High-quality Questions. The Best Source for the ASCO In-service Exam, Medical Oncology Board Exam and the Hematology Board Exam.  
Great Value for the money. Subscription starts from 65.00 USD for 6 months of access.  There are group rates available. Please contact us for Group Rates.
Sign Up today and get access to more than 30 High-Quality Image Bank Questions